Sony Slog2 Lut S Movies

Well I am not great on video at all. I have A7ii and it can shoot in this holy grail of video formats S-Log2 with S-Gammut2.

It is sort of RAW for video - somewhat similar to the RAW we had in A7ii before uncompressed RAW came - strong gamma curve gets applied and dynamic range 14 stops is squeezed into 8 bits. S-Gammut as far as I understand represents colors within very broad space such that the full potential of the sensor is used without clipping the gamut (reducing colors) to something with much lesser capabilities like a standard TV in sRGB I guess. This A7m2 has about 10 parameters I can tweak in S-Log2 settings to get different gamma curve shapes suitable for different scenes. That is fantastic since squeezing all these 14 stops in 8 bits requires sacrifice, so I can now choose which parts fall victim of the gamma curve and where detail is to be preserved! Here comes my first question: What do all these 10 or s S-Log2 settings mean? Is there a guide that explains how to tweak them? Satussy The Novel Rar.
What works in twilight or mid day, artificial lights, high key, low key. I anyhow managed to shoot some video and now going home I start my Movie Studio Platinum 13 thing from Sony and search for S-Log2 options to load my video properly so it does not look like s***t. I cannot find any neither in menus nor in the help guide. There is not much on the net either.
I found Catalist Browser and Catalist Prepare from Sony for pro videographers that should possibly allow me to deal with S-Log2 but this beast costs 200$ - wow! My Movie Studio thing I bought discounted was a small fraction of this. Sook I continue my reading and turns out a lot of people use these LUT things to fix their S-Log2 into normally looking video - sort of the camera profile in your lightroom. A look up table tells software to convert value of 13 RED to 7 RED, 3 BLUE and 2 GREEN. These LUTs provide mappings for the gazillion colors to go from one representation into another. Ok this is good! But then it seems all these video bloggers that publish LUts have not really figured out my first question since they only offer LUTs that take some S-Log2 (at what settings?) and convert it directly to output material i.e.
Slightly greeninsh or reddish look as if watching MTV in the 80-ies. Ok I thought I may find a suitable LUT and then question is how to use the LUTs. It turns out Movie Studio Platinum does not know a thing about LUTs.ok so I continue my search and surprise Photoshop can load video and apply LUT on it!
Wow.but than again I do not want my video to look like cheap music clip. So as I understand it I need some solution where I input the S-Log settings form camera or they get read form the video file and then my file gets converted to something like 16 bit TIFF photo suitable for processing. That TIFF like video I will later color grade and export for others to enjoy.So really three phases like Lightroom are needed: 1. Apply camera profile to get this gray neutral feel 2. Apply some corrections to shadows or highlights, color balance to improve your input 2. Apply a 'preset' or other artistic settings to get output that you want your users to see So really my second question is: How do you convert S-Log2 recording to accurate 16 bit color representation of what has been shot, so that you can later apply whatever effects you choose. I do not mind if the first step takes as input the S-Log2 settings and produces a LUT that I can somehow combine with a color grading LUT and it only runs one LUT on top of the video.
I applied these LUT's in Davinci without any further processing or correction to the image to give an idea of the different looks attibuted to them. Hey everyone, I created custom Slog2 S-Gamut3.cine to REC709 LUTs because I wasn’t very happy with the official LUTs or the ones that included.