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'4th Commando Battalion' redirects here. For the Belgian military formation, see. 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment Active 1 February 1964 – 15 August 1973 1 February 1995 – 19 June 2009 Country Branch Type Infantry Special Forces/ Special Operations Force (SOF) Role Commando Part of Garrison/HQ Nickname(s) 4 Commando Motto(s) Duty First March Inverbrackie Engagements • • • Decorations Commanders Colonel-in-Chief (Australian Infantry Corps) Insignia Unit Colour Patch The 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (4 RAR) was an and part of the.

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The battalion was formed on 1 February 1964 and was renamed the on 19 June 2009. Contents • • • • • • • • • • History [ ] Raising as a regular battalion [ ] On 18 January 1952, a Royal Australian Regiment Depot was raised as a training unit for special establishment on the Order of Battle. The depot was later renamed 4 RAR on 10 March 1952. This renaming was necessary because government approval had been given to raise a battalion and not a '. The primary function of 4 RAR at the time was to train and hold infantrymen for service in.
On 24 March 1960, the unit was incorporated into the School of Infantry as 'Depot Company, Royal Australian Regiment'. The two units comprised resulted in the formation of the Infantry Centre. The political decision to raise the fourth battalion of The Royal Australian Regiment was made in 1963.
Consequently, instructions for the raising of the battalion were issued on 13 January 1964. The official raising of 4 RAR on 1 February 1964 was the first time a regular infantry battalion had been raised on Australian soil. Additionally, it was stated that this battalion was a new battalion and not a resurrection of the old 4 RAR. The battalion subsequently served in as part of the from August 1965 – September 1967, and seeing active service in against the during the.
After a period of training the battalion deployed to in April 1966 where it was to operate from four company bases in the area. By this time the war was winding down as peace negotiations had begun between Malaysia and Indonesia. Like 3 RAR, 4 RAR conducted cross-border operations and clashed with Indonesian forces on a number of occasions. Its tour was less eventful, however, and the battalion primarily operated in Malaysian territory where it ambushed tracks leading from the border with Indonesia. Malaysia and Indonesia agreed to a peace treaty on 11 August and 4 RAR and the other Commonwealth units in Borneo ceased operations the next day. The battalion returned to Camp Terendak on 30 August having suffered five fatalities in Borneo, though only one man had been killed in action. The Us Sugar Program And The Cuban Revolution. Upon its return to Australia in 1967 the battalion began training for service during the.
Vietnam War [ ] The battalion began its first tour of Vietnam on 1 June 1968, relieving 2 RAR. Based at, in it was joined by Victor and Whisky companies from the (RNZIR) on 2 June, and was formally renamed 4 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Battalion with an Australian Commander and New Zealander 2IC. Tactics Ogre Art Works Book.
From 23 June the battalion took part in Operation Toan Thang II on the Bien Hoa-Long Binh border, before conducting patrols through Phuoc Tuy. It was subsequently conducting patrols, ambushes, and searches along the Long Khanh-Bien Hoa border from 15 September in an attempt to disrupt Viet Cong activity and deny them access to supplies as part of Operation Hawkesbury. 4 RAR/NZ returned to Nui Dat on 24 September.
4 RAR/NZ returned to the Long Khanh-Bien Hoa border as part of on 27 December, in response to increased in Viet Cong activity that suggested a communist offensive was being planned. The battalion was given a brief respite at Nui Dat from 13 January to 7 February, before taking part in Operation Federal in the Bien Hoa province. Cursuri Germana Audio.
Operation Overlander commenced in the Bien Hoa province on 8 April, before the battalion again returned to Phuoc Tuy on 17 April. It was subsequently replaced by 6RAR on 1 May and departed for Australia on 19 May. Total casualties during the deployment included 19 killed and 97 wounded. 4 RAR subsequently underwent a period of further training in Australia, and subsequently returned to Vietnam for its second tour in May 1971, again relieving 2 RAR.