Tossim Linux
>>Anyone else using a non-rpm Linux based system to work with 2.0? TOSSIM allows you to inspect variables in a running TinyOS program. Simulators for WSN 3. People can run TOSSIM on Linux Operating Systems or on Cygwin.
Hello everybody I NEED to work with tinyos from a week and i got confused because of all different sites found infact i do not have any prior known about ubuntu too So i need help to install tinyos in the simplest way And if i can install tinyos graphically please give me the steps or a site talking about that. For known we have downloaded the tinyos Oscar Peterson Flac Discography Torrents. 1.1.0 (we downloaded three packeges with names: tinyos-1.1.0.tar tinyos-contrib-1.1.0.tar task-tinydb-1.1.0.tar ) And ubunto we have is ubuntu 8.10 Please if any body want to help me i will be very thankful and if u like to contact me by email this is it fire_sprite092(at)yahoo (dot)com sorry, but if anybody suggest to work with a newer version of tinyos please told me how to download it and install it in my ubuntu REGARDS. I have read that i can convert an rpm into.deb file using alien package and i think i have installed it successfully so could i do that or what u suggest i tried to install the.deb file u gave it but after a while the package installer pppear with red error Error: Dependency is not satisfiable:tinyos is required i want to ask about jdk1.5 also.please where to find it or if any body can send it to me by email:lol: thanks. You can go here (and download the 'tinyos-required' deb package. You can go here (to download java. Or you can install the deb from here (
Thanks a lot everybody:) i have add the new repository to my sources.list file and then i typed sudo apt-get install tinyos. It began to install every thing wanted for tinyos and at last it writed See attachment below and after that it went back to the shell prompt so does this mean that everything is done well or what?:confused: IF IT IS OK how to add lines to the /.bashrc file by using terminal or what?

Because it is not saving the file after modifing it. They said: i must do this to add the environment variables at every startup thanks for help i really appreciate that. Are you online with Ubuntu? If yes - follow the advice here as suggested. If you are not online, you will have to manually find all the relevant files / dependencies. Thank u the file u gave was very helpful and it confirm everything but i use sudo gedit just to modify the file called bash.bashrc do i need to modify any other.bashrc file or i need to initiate a new file and edit it.? I tried to compile the first example in tinyos (Blink)and it did it successfully so what is the meaning of ~/.bashrc wrote?
Thanks are due to Partyboi2 who initially suggested it:) oh!;)sorry for this mistake partyboi2.THANKS,I appreciate your help. But infact this happened because i was online with windows xp(internet explorer) at first and the link give me a url request error so i discarded it. But the next time i was online with ubuntu and i clicked the link ugm6hr gave and it opened, so i did not realize that this is the same link:o are there pages specific to linux or to firefox or what happened here? I have no prior idea about this:oops. I want to ask if u have work with tinyos before because me and my friend (year project group) were thinking about using tinyviz with tossim in tinyos but:mad: it seem as i found in many threads through the net that tinyviz don't work with the tinyos version 2.x it just work with 1.x so can u please tell me where to find a repository for the.deb files for the version 1.x or if u have any helpful information about tinyos generally.please help and really I appreciate your work. Thanks in advance.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction This lesson shows you how to compile a TinyOS program and install it on a mote, introduces the basic concepts and syntax of the TinyOS component model, and shows you how to generate and navigate TinyOS's source code documentation. Compiling and Installing As a first exercise, you'll compile and install a very simple TinyOS application called Blink.
If you don't have mote hardware, you can compile it for, the TinyOS simulator. You compile TinyOS applications with the program make.