Tantra Elysium
Aldebaran 1 The Catastrophe Crew. Description After the Eclipse: Come Home Together! Bring the power awakened by the eclipse to this amazing festival! Would you love to have more close, connected, juicy relationships? This 4 day festival offers conscious movement, ceremony, respectful touch, relationship and communication skills, and tantric meditations all in a lovely rural wooded retreat center near Portland.

Step into an open, caring community of like-minded souls, and come play with us! These events are potent moments for increasing hope, vitality and joy, carrying us all forward on our paths. Our Workshops will focus on • Tantric Arts • Communication • Personal & Spiritual Development • Movement Meditations • Aware Touch and Consent, Sex Magic! Metro 2033 Epub Ita there. The Site Elysium Lodge is a 40 acre piece of paradise located just 40 minutes from Portland International Airport and Downtown Portland.

Separated from passing rafts and boats by its very own island, it has a private lagoon, swimming hole, and stretch of beach along the beautiful Clackamas River. We will be serving delicious healthy fresh food for all to enjoy! The festival will not include more than 100 people. Pricing $150 deposit saves your place! We offer a range of prices and lodging options, ranging from a $195 weekend ticket for locals, up to $450 indoor dorms for the 4 days. See ticketing site for details Don't miss this amazing event! 4 day festival offers conscious movement, ceremony, respectful touch, relationship and communication skills, and tantric meditations near Portland, OR.
Amara Karuna lives in Eugene and on the Big Island of Hawaii, and has studied alternative healing since 1978. Amara has studied and practiced Re-evaluation Co-counseling, a method of peer counseling since 1983, teaching it 5 years. In 1989, she developed her own approach to peer counseling, called Holistic Peer Counseling, integrating many ideas from RC with spiritual meditation practices, psychic healing, breath work and body centered techniques. She began studying Tantra and Sacred Spot work, a method of sexual healing, on Maui in 2003 with Joan and Tomas Heartfield, and has since studied 6 different methods of pelvic bodywork. She has taught Sacred Pelvic Healing Work, and led Tantra Pujas since 2007. She is the author of the pictoral guide 'Sacred Pelvic Healing Massage Practice Manual', and offers Yoni and Lingam Massage DVDs to students for practicing at home. E46 Aux Cable Install.