E46 Aux Cable Install
Problem: I want an AUX MP3 player in my 2003 E46 BMW. However, the current options are either pricey or result in poor quality audio.
After a quick search on, I found many semi-complete tutorials on how to MAKE an AUX cord that will plug directly into the BMW factory head unit. Since I was trapped indoors as the rain pelted San Francisco for a solid week — I took out my soldering iron and gave it a go. Disclaimer: I have been using this setup with my ipods and iphone for a few months with no issues. However, I cannot be held responsible for any damage to your car as each application may vary. Parts – 22AWG Solid Copper Hookup Wire (3 color pack) – Radioshack $6.59 – 300K Ohm 1W Flameproof Resistor (10pcs) – PartsExpress.com $0.69 – 0.22uF 100V Polyester Film Capacitor (10pcs) – PartsExpress.com $1.80 – Rean NYS231BG 3.5mm Stereo Plug (Gold Plug) – PartsExpress.com $1.16 -Techflex 1/4″ Expandable Sleeving 25ft. Orange – PartsExpress.com $6.88 – Fan Power Splitter Cable 1F/2M 8″ (x2) (Connectors for stereo unit) – CentralComputer.com $2.95 each My 2003 BMW e46 stereo info Head unit – CD53 E46 (has AUX input in back along with CD changer option) Process I reviewed the following info from BMW that shows circuit diagrams, ect.
Let’s get it on. 3.5mm plug with cover screwed on – I then braided (true story) the wires to keep them tight and strengthen the wire. – I slid the Orange TechFlex wire covering up wire and secured to 3. Installing Rpm On Centos With Yum Brands. 5mm plug using heatshrink (or electrical tape). The covering should cover most of the 4-5ft of wire you have braided. – Now comes the exciting part.

Original BMW Accessory. Installation Instructions. Additional cables/lines that you install must be secured with cable. C E46/E39/E53 AUX connector wiring. Quidzel’s aux input kit works great with. Plan on 1/2 hour install on an e46. Aux Input Cable is 1m long, allowing for installation on lower dash or glovebox area. Oct 02, 2014 Radio simply wont switch to Aux. I removed the HU and found the Aux cable's. '07 X3 3.0d M-Sport - '04 X3 2.5i Sportpack - '99 328i E46. This is not how to install aux input cable rather how to make it. Seriously, I don’t want to spend about $50 for a stinking cable. I’m in Canada and usually BMW.
Soldering the resistor and capacitors on. Review the circuit diagram from the link above so that you can be sure to get the layout correct. Note: The resistor should be on the radio side of the wire. From all the information available, radios built after 09/03 will work with this setup.
Some 9/02 radios will have the mode button but AUX input won’t work. Here’s an easy way to check: 1. Turn Radio Off. Turn Radio On. Press and hold the “m” button for about 10 seconds. Press to navigate, you will need to go to the 2nd screen to look for the SW Verison which is in a SV xx-xx xx format.
To be Sirius/AUX or XM compatible, the radio must be SW 43 or higher. Turn radio off to exit.
The MODE button is not a good enough indicator to check if a radio is AUX or Sirius compatible. It needs to be manufactured 09/02 or later.
The main purpose of the resistor is to cause the radio HU to recognize that an AUX device is plugged in. It puts a load on the cable.
Many people that don’t include it say they cannot get their radio to go into AUX mode (b/c radio doesn’t know anything is attached). I just followed the diagram from BMW and it worked great. I’ve had mine for months and it works great.