Farcry3_d3d11.exe , Ubiorbitapi_r2_loader.dll
All of a sudden I get a Far Cry Updater error when trying to start Far Cry 3 from Steam. And just like Jackarsnel trying to run farcry3_d3d11.exe only launches Uplay.
NOTE:-First see my FAR CRY 3 installtion video or else these steps wont work after seeing that video follow these steps Delte these 12 files after Installation farcry3 196KB farcry3 182KB farcry3_d3d11 196KB FC3.dll 29,226KB FC3_d3d11.dll 29.287KB FC3Editor 199KB FC3Editor.exe 1KB FC3Updater 987KB orbit_api 1KB systemdetection.dll 989KB ubiorbitapi_r2_loader. Bridge Bloxx Pc. dll 66KB uplay_r1_loader.dll 3KB If u have installed Uplay Before remove it and install latest version from uplay website like us on fb:- www.facebook.com/REAL.GamerZ.Official01 plz rate comment and subscribe for more videos.!!!!!!!!!! VOTE FOR ME AND BECOME ADMIN.