Su Podium V2 S
SU Podium V2.5 Plus is a photorealistic rendering plug-in for SketchUp developed to turn your SketchUp model into a photo-real image with realistic lighting, material.
Lights Also read information and tutorials on: • • • • • • SU Podium V2 has two types of natural lights. Adobe Live Cycle Designer Es2. These are both 'exterior' lights but can have great influence on interior renderings if your models have openings to the exterior such as windows and doors. Sky light is an ambient, exterior and uniform light source being emitted from the 'sky'. It is analogues to an overcast day where the sunlight is hidden. Sky light is always on. However, if you have interior designs with no openings to the exterior, sky light will be shut out. Sky light brightness is controlled by a variety of variables. Agp Year 2000 Compliant Drivers.
One is the preset you choose from the Preset list in the Options menu. Another is whether you use SketchUp Sky or Podium's Physical Sky, also selected from the Options menu in the Environment section.
If you have selected SketchUp Sky, SketchUp's background colors will control the sky light's brightness. Lista De Emails Gratis. If you have selected Podium's Sky or Physical Sky, SketchUp background colors will be ignored. Rather the time of day will be an important factor in sky light color and brightness. Also the Sun/ Sky Brightness sliders in the Options menu will have some influence. Sun light is another source of natural light.
Sun light is only on when SketchUp Shadows are on. The sun's brightness and exposure are controlled by a number of variables: • Presets from the Preset list in the Options menu • Sun intensity and exposure sliders • Time of day, time of year, location and position relative to North-South-East-West • SketchUp Sky or Physical Sky But don't be intimidated by these variables. Take a look at the section below and try some settings. Interior Lighting Tutorials • • • a. LEM Light The Light slider in the material properties menu will apply LEM (Light Emitting Material) to the specific texture you have selected. LEM lights are one type of artificial light source in SU Podium V2 and will create lights that emit light in one direction away from the face of the texture. LEM lights are easy to create and are quick to render.