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• Aly Mawji as Aly Dutta/Naveen Dutt (seasons 1–3), a Hooli coder who bullies Richard and Big Head. Avira Premium Security Suite V9 (last Version). He is charged with working on Nucleus as a lead engineer. • Brian Tiechnell as Jason Winter (seasons 1–3), a Hooli programmer who bullies Richard and Big Head.
He is also charged with working on Nucleus as a lead engineer. He along with Aly quits Hooli after being fed up with Gavin's antics. Alexander as Patrice (seasons 1–3), a Hooli employee. She is fired by Gavin after showing distaste towards his animal abuse. • as a Silicon Valley doctor whom Richard regularly sees • as Ron LaFlamme, Pied Piper's young, laid-back but competent outside counsel.
• Gabriel Tigerman as Gary Irving (seasons 1–3), the manager at Hooli. • as Denpok, Gavin's sycophantic spiritual advisor. • as Pete Monahan (season 2–present), a disgraced former lawyer who represents Richard, Erlich and Pied Piper at the of the Hooli lawsuit. • Jake Broder as Dan Melcher (seasons 1, 4), a former TechCrunch Judge who is kicked out after he beats up Bachman for sleeping with his wife. He later returns in season four as the CTO of an insurance company. • as Carla Walton (seasons 2–3), a programmer and friend of Gilfoyle and Dinesh's who joins the Pied Piper team.
• as Hoover (season 3–present), head of security at Hooli. • Annie Sertich as C.J.
Cantwell (season 3), a tech blogger. Erlich Bachman buys her blog after she is coerced into revealing Big Head was her source. Later the blog is bought out by Gavin himself after she hears about Gavin's illegal dumping of an elephant in the San Francisco Bay. • as Keenan Feldspar (season 4), the developer of a VR headset who tries to buy out Pied Piper. When Richard rejects the deal, he signs with Hooli.
• as Ed Chen (season 4), a venture capitalist that works at Raviga who currently serves as the firm's Managing Director. • appears as herself, interviewing various characters. Production [ ]. Mike Judge, co-creator of Silicon Valley. Co-creator and executive producer had worked in a early in his career. In 1987 he was a programmer at, a company with about 40 employees.
Judge disliked the company's culture and his colleagues ('The people I met were like. Circuit Theory Pdf By Sadiku on this page. They were true believers in something, and I don't know what it was') and quit after less than three months, but the experience gave him the background to later create a show about the region's people and companies. He recollects also how startup companies pitched to him to make a Flash-based animation in the past as material for the first episode: 'It was one person after another going, 'In two years, you will not own a TV set!' I had a meeting that was like a gathering of acolytes around a cult leader.
'Has he met Bill?' 'Oh, I'm the VP and I only get to see Bill once a month.' And then another guy chimed in, 'For 10 minutes, but the 10 minutes is amazing! ' Filming for the of Silicon Valley began on March 12, 2013, in. HBO the series on May 16, 2013., who plays Peter Gregory, died in December 2013 of, having finished his scenes for the first five episodes.