Patch Modern Warfare 3 1.06

We Like Modern Warfare 3. Activision has just released the sixth title update for Modern Warfare 3. MW3 patch 1.06 is now available for download on PS3 and Xbox 360. Dec 08, 2011 Ezzie 'The Tactical Gamer' briefs you on the most recent patch for Modern Warfare 3: Patch 1.06. Comment on what you think about this patch and what you. Activision has just released the sixth title update for Modern Warfare 3. MW3 patch 1.06 is now available for download on PS3 and Xbox 360. The patch is just 4MB in size.
2263d ago Can't they just look at COD4 and make the weapons the same? COD4 was very balanced and near perfect the only thing that ruined it were the people hacking the hell out of the lobbies and leaderboards. Also COD4 had the best maps, the maps in MW2 were ok but MW3 they are terrible. The other issue is the bullet lag, it seems to play too much like Blackops which was terrible, you had to shoot people soo many times just to kill them and sometimes they would shoot you once and you are dead. Call of duty is turning out to be more like Halo online.Absolute rubbish and unbalanced.
2263d ago (Edited 2263d ago ) exacly!!! These are the problems with the game, my brothers love cod 4 and Mw2 but they don't like Mw3 because it feels like black ops because of the bullet lag, the prove is when you look at the replay, or watch a match in the theater(vault). From the first day i played Mw3 i didnt like the maps in Mw3, they all feels the same and created fast without thiking not like cod 4. For the first time im ready to ay for cod4 maps anytime for Mw3 the weapons doesn't feel special like cod 4, it feels like playing resistance 1 when it released and then playing resistance 3 weapons, it doesn't feel like they are fun any more, in cod4 AK47 felt different then mp5.etc, the weapons of Mw2 was good too, i like ACR/TYPE/SCAR, they changed them in Mw3, they feel like toys now. The repawning is a huge problem, just like what people here saying it's annoying, i respawn and die in the same time.
Modern Warfare 3 Title Update and Hot Fix Notes Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Update History (All Platforms included) TU1: Enabled Theater, Vault, Private Match options, Elite and Facebook functionality for Launch Day. TU2: Fix for YouTube video upload on SD TVs. Matchmaking Improvements. TU3: Theater Improvements (Fix to FF and RW in Theater), LAG improvements, Improvements to Hot Fix system.
We Like Modern Warfare 3. Activision has just released the sixth title update for Modern Warfare 3. Philips Dsx 6010 Service Manual there. MW3 patch 1.06 is now available for download on PS3 and Xbox 360.
TU4: Change to address hitching and lag in gameplay. TU5: Further improvements for hitching and addressing lag in gameplay. TU6: Additional improvements to address lag. Snes Super Nintendo 3000 Jogos Ps2 Iso here.
Fix for Melee Jump. Clan Tag Validation (remove buttons from clan tags).
Improve Host Migration logic. Prevent stat loss when player loses connection from server (internet pull / drop). Hot Fix Updates (Released): • No Recoil glitch • Infinite Laptop killstreak glitch (Stealth Bomber Glitch) • Map Exploits (Getting into trucks, under maps) Fix • Prevent Slow-mo and Super Fast lobbies • Hot Fix Updates (Releasing Today 12/12/11): • Fire rate normalization for Assault Rifles with undermounts • FMG9 Re-balancing (Nerf) • Akimbo FMG9 Re-balancing (Nerf) • Type95 Re-balancing (Nerf) - Reduce hipspread. • Fix for ACR with Red Dot / Shotgun • Fix Type 95 bug related to dropping it. • Fix map exploits on Dome Re-balancing and Updates currently in Development and/or Discussion: • Updates to the Spawn system • Further “lag compensation” or “host advantage / disadvantage” updates plus ability for on-going hot fixes based on feedback. • Fix for Shotgun's with Extended Mags (Prevents them from shooting more pellets than intended) • Default:30 Round Start timer for System Link only, while looking into adjustable timer for System Link games for Competitive Play. • Options to allow System Link players to 'unlock all' for competitive play in System Link only.