Managing The Training Of The Weightlifters Pdf
A summary of Managing the Training of Weightlifters by N.P. Laputin by CrossFit Impulse. A system of multi-year training in weightlifting pdf. Training of the class III athlete.Managing the Training of Weightlifters, N. A System of Multi. Powerlifting Training Guide In 1972, the Dynamo Club had 70 highly qualified weightlifters do an experiment. Managing the Training of Weightlifters (1982).

All the best strength and conditioning coaches in the world cite old Soviet weightlifting research. But very rarely does anyone mention exactly what they learned from this mythical late 20 th century research—until now. I resolved to find out what all the fuss is about—one text at a time. I started with Managing the Training of Weightlifters by Nikolai Petrovich Laputin and Valentin Grigoryevich Oleshko, 1982. But first, a little background on why these Soviet texts are valuable: The time was the Cold War.
The USA and its capitalist allies were entrenched in an epic schlong-measuring contest with the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. The measuring was done by counting nuclear weapons and Olympic medals.
The Soviets had a knack for weightlifting. They also had 100 Million young men who knew that one sure way out of poverty was to become a top weightlifter for the motherland. Throw in a lot of scientists with pads and pencils, ready to record data, and you’ve got a powerful opportunity, albeit unfortunate. So what did I learn from Managing the Training of Weightlifters? I’ve summarized the biggest learning points in bullet form below. Most of this is very specific to weightlifting (snatch, clean and jerk), and very specific to winning at the Olympics.
Hybridization Powerpoint (ppt) Templates - Hybridization Powerpoint (ppt) Presentation Templates. So read it with that lens. Career of a Weightlifter • It takes 5-10 years of dedicated training for an athlete to reach full potential • Average is about 8 years • Heavier athletes take longer than lighter athletes • Most lifters at the Olympics are 26-27 years old • After 7-10 years of dedicated training, athletes stagnate and PRs stay within 1-3% • My Conclusion: if you want the best chance to be an Olympic weightlifter then make sure you were born in the right year to hit 26-27 in an Olympic year, and start training at age 18-19.
Of course, older and younger Olympians exist. I said the best chance. Prilepin’s Chart • Laputin extensively cites the work of A. Determining A Fund Effective Asset Mix Pdf there. S. You may know this as “Prilepin’s Chart,” although it’s really “Prilepin’s Table.” This table tells you for any given percentage of 1RM • The optimal number of reps you should perform during a workout (3 rd column) • The total range of reps you should perform during a workout (4th column) • Number of reps you should perform in a set (2nd column) • Prilepin’s table is generally regarded as gospel in strength training.
Prilepin’s Chart 3. Strength Development • The below table shows the distribution of total lifts executed in training by load (as a percentage of 1RM). Loads of 85% are used most often.
Westside Cert Reading Lists Anonymous 14/03/21(Fri)03:13 There may be some ebooks already uploaded. Kindly skip over those! Main Reading List Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for all Sports by Thomas Kurtz and Tadeusz Starzynski Managing the Training of the Weightlifters by Nikolai Petrovich Laputin and Valentin Grigoryevich Oleshko Science and Practice of Strength Training by Vladimir Zatsiorsky and William Kraemer Science of Sports Training by Thomas Kurtz Supertraining by Mel Siff Strength and Conditioning of the World’s Greatest Fighters by John Saylor Westside Barbell Book of Methods by Louie Simmons Pose method of running by Dr. Nicolas Romanov Accessory Reading List • A System of Multi-Year Training of Weightlifters by A.S.