Installing .msi File
Logic Pro 9 Italiano Windows 7 Crack on this page. Hi Michael, Thank you for posting in Microsoft Community. I would suggest you to check if Stream is compatible with Windows 10 in the Windows compatibility center.
Install the product. After you've extracted the. Dirty Boyz The Pimp And Da Gangsta Zip. msi installation file, use msiexec to install the product. To install the product on several computers, you may want. Self-installing Windows installer package (.msi) files contain all the information necessary for your end users to install your application. The.msi file is a single.
I suggest you to follow the below steps and check if it helps. • Open run command and type regedit into the box and click Ok. If a User Account Control dialog box appears, click yes. • The Registry Editor windows opens. Now go to the following directory: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Msi.Package shell • Right click on shell and click New ->Key • The new key is added under shell. Rename it to run as. • Right click on (Default) in the right pane of run as and select Modify from the menu that appears • An Edit String dialog box appears.