Install Pygtk Python 2.7 Windows
PyGTK lets you to easily create programs with a graphical user interface using the Python programming language. The underlying GTK+ library provides all kind of visual elements and utilities for it and, if needed, you can develop full featured applications for the GNOME Desktop. PyGTK applications are truly multiplatform and they're able to run, unmodified, on Linux, Windows, MacOS X and other platforms. Other distinctive features of PyGTK are, besides its ease of use and rapid prototyping, its first class accessibility support or the capability to deal with complex multilingual or bidirectional text for fully localized applications.
Mar 16, 2014 Learn how to install python 2.7 on Windows, and how to add it to your system path. This will also work on Windows 8 if you can find your way to the control. Python 2.7.0 2010-07-03 Download Release Notes. The same source code archive can also be used to build the Windows and Mac versions. I have an application which depends on PyGTK, PyGobject, and PyCairo that I built to work on Linux. I want to port it over to windows, but when I execute import.

PyGTK is free software, so you can use, modify, distribute and study it with very few restrictions (LGPL license). Note: New users are encouraged to use GTK+3 through the instead of using PyGTK with GTK+2.
Windows users may still want to keep using PyGTK until more convenient installers are published. PyGTK 2.24.0 has been released. This is a stable release supporting the GTK+ 2.24 API. New users wishing to develop Python applications using GTK+ are recommended to use the GObject-Introspection features available in PyGObject. Existing authors of PyGTK applications are also recommended to port their applications to PyGObject to take advantage of new features appearing in GTK-3 and beyond. More information on PyGObject and GObject-Introspection can be found.
PyGTK-2.24 will be the final major release of PyGTK. Additional bug-fix releases may appear when necessary to maintain compatibility and stability with the GTK-2.24 series. As usual, sources can be fetched from. The PyGTK team is pleased to announce the return of the highly popular all-in-one installer for Windows. It provides an alternative installation method for PyGTK users on Windows and bundles PyGTK, PyGObject, PyCairo, PyGtkSourceView2, PyGooCanvas, PyRsvg, the gtk+-bundle and Glade in one handy installer. Currently 32 bit Python 2.6 and 2.7 versions are supported on Windows XP and above.
See the release and file for further details. The installer itself can be found.
Special thanks go to Dieter Verfaillie, for his impressive work to get this done. PyGTK 2.22.0 has been released.
This is the first stable release supporting the GTK+ 2.22 API. New users wishing to develop Python applications using GTK+ are recommended to use the GObject-Introspection features available in PyGObject. Vectorworks 2009 Serial Number more.
Existing authors of PyGTK applications are also recommended to port their applications to PyGObject to take advantage of new features appearing in GTK-3 and beyond. More information on PyGObject and GObject-Introspection can be found.
Medievil 2 Torrent. As usual, sources can be fetched from.