Automaton Transfusion Torrent

Automaton Transfusion Torrent Average ratng: 4,6/5 7121votes
Automaton Transfusion Torrent

Download Automaton Transfusion (2006) DvDRiP [fozzyd1970] torrent from movies category on Isohunt. Torrent hash: 7d087efae07f209c93f4ecc4bad93c. Download Automaton Transfusion (2006) DvDRiP [fozzyd1970] torrent.Bit Torrent Scene ( BTScene ) a public file sharing platform.

Reviewed by mrush Vote: 2/10/10 Oh another zombie movie that blew chunks.Imagine that.This moviepromised the world on the DVD box but little did I know that this wasanother of those 8 Days of Horror or whatever they call it.Any of thosemovies I've saw were awful and this one was no exception. First off I've no idea what the title means.It wasn't explained.Afterseeing this puke pile I'm guessing this homemade piece of junk was justgiven some weird mysterious nonsense title to give it a bit of class ormystique or whatever. Anyway the mean old US government was doing more experiments in somelittle town on dead bodies to try and bring them back to life so theycould fight our wars for us. Ready2go Projects & Templates For Sony Vegas Pro Collection 1. Seriously.That was the reason given forthis wave of zombies.The experimental zombies were released as a testand naturally and of course the experiment goes wrong.These zombieswere made to be stronger and faster and able to think by theexperiments so it was a bad decision to let these things loose onpurpose it would seem. Zombies run amok while a group of teens,the only ones left alive,runaround trying to stay away from them. Reviewed by brando647 Vote: 2/10/10 I can only think of very few good things to say about this movie.

Automaton Transfusion Torrent

Thebest way to sum it up is that it's a low-budget zombie horror flick.Don't go in expecting anything more. In fact, the lower you set yourexpectations, the better off you are. Honestly, this movie was suchpoor quality I had a hard time sitting through it.

The filmmakers seemlike they were out to have a good time when they shot this, but the endresult is barely tolerable. The movie is barely 75 minutes long, but itfelt like it took FOREVER to watch.

The list of what makes this movie near-unwatchable is long, so I'll tryto keep this somewhat brief. Life Is Beautiful Songs From Doregama. The first thing I noticed about this moviewas the picture quality. I don't know how best to describe it otherthan saying it looked as if they took a frame or two out every coupleseconds.

Motion in the movie seemed to have a jerky, stop-n-go feel toit that got old real fast. On top of the odd choppy visuals, the movie appeared to be shot nearlyall hand-held and, therefore, most of the best action wasundecipherable. You can barely tell what exactly is going on in some ofthe zombie attacks. I think the biggest example occurs later in themovie when the protagonists are running through the woods with theirnewly-acquired weapons, the zombies attack and everything gets shaky.Next thing you know, one of the protagonists is in a car with someonewho wasn't there before and they drive off. Moments later, everythinggoes shaky again the the two of them fall from the sky into a lake.WTF, mate? How did they maneuver from Point A to Point B here.? The film suffers from the usual low-budget horror issues: terriblecontinuity, poor acting, horrendous dialogue, a mediocre story, andplot holes the size of the the Grand Canyon.

And another thing: what'sthe deal with the title of this movie? I can't understand how it makesany sort of sense, at all. It's odd when someone asks what you'rewatching, you answer 'Automaton Transfusion', and their eyes glaze overin confusion. Is it a medical documentary? Does it have some to do withmachines?